Strange Texas Wildlife Found in Our Backyard

Before my wife and I sold our house last year, I collated all of the photos we had taken in our back and front yard during our time there of plants, bugs, and more. Our home was way out in Cross Roads, Texas which is in the way north part of the Dallas / Fort Worth area. Since it was a new construction when we purchased the home, the area around it still held a lot of the wildlife that had occupied the territory before it.

We were often surprised at the diversity of life that would appear in our yard. A few months in we began taking pictures for some unknown project. I decided putting our most interesting finds in blog format was the best use of the photos taken. I hope you enjoy this article!

Free Luna Moth

Agaricus Mushroom

Australian Black Widow

Bold Jumper

Cellar Spider

Sorry for the blurry shot. The garage was dark and he was small, haha.

Furrow Spider

Texas Toad

Garden Orb Weaver Spider

Indian Paintbrush

Texas Thistle

Spotted Cucumber Beetle

“Manny” the Praying Mantis

Our friend Manny here lived with us for a couple weeks before moving on.

This list included all of my favorite wildlife found by us over the year plus we lived in that house. As we get ready to move into our new house later this year, I’m sure there will be a follow up article with all new creatures and plants! Side note: I left out photos of wasps that I took because I hate them and they don’t deserve to be in this article. Thanks for reading!

Eric J. Kuhns

Hi, my name’s Eric J. Kuhns. I’m a Youtuber, writer, actor, traveller, and skateboarder living in the Denver, CO area.

What is Go Skateboarding Day and Where Did It Come From?


Interviewing Skateboarding Filmer and Creator of the Texalona Series, Jordan Standley